New! Free SMS in Gmail in India

Send free SMS directly from Gmail – just enter a phone number and click Enter. SMS replies come right to yourGmail inbox. SMS replies come right to your inbox. The power of this is you could send SMS to many countries.
SMS credit in Gmail Chat
SMS credit is an allocation of SMS (text messages) that you’re able to send to a mobile phone:
Initially, you’re granted a credit of fifty messages.
Every time you send a message, your credit decreases by one.
Every time you receive an SMS message in Chat (for example when a phone user replies to one of your messages)your credit increases by five, up to a maximum of 50. I am sure this rule will change once spamming starts.
If your SMS credit goes down to zero at any point, it will increase back up to one 24 hours later. So, you won’t ever belocked out of the system. Any Gmail user who sends an excessive number of SMS messages from Gmail, without getting any responses in return, will be blocked from sending further SMS messages.

How to increase Gmail SMS messages credit ?
Keep in mind that if you’d like a higher message credit, you can always send an SMS to your own phone, and then reply to that message multiple times. Every time you send a reply message, your SMS credit is increased by five. Effectively, you’re buying more messages by paying your phone company for these outgoing messages.
Note: Sending and receiving a message from Gmail to any phone is free. When replying with an SMS from phoneto Gmail, you will be charged as standard SMS rate by your provider. Gmail SMS is available  on these mobile networks in India.
Loop Mobile
Tata DoCoMo
Tata indicom
Vodafone (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Gujarat, A.P, Bihar, W.B. & A & N, Assam, N.E.)

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