Tricks to Get More People to Like your Facebook Page......

...........POST A STATUS UPDATE........
Post a status update mentioning your facebook page.
Don’t be afraid to outright ask people to join your facebook page.  Ask and you shall receive.
Give them a great reason why they should join, tell them news, or find a creative way to mention and link to your page
If you host (or attend) an event with several of your fans take a bunch of pictures, post them to your page, and then ask your friends to tag themselves in the pictures.
If you can get your fans to upload pictures to your page, or tag themselves in pictures you uploaded, this will post to their walls as well and will lead to additional traffic for you.
Installing a “Like Box” is an excellent way to allow visitors to your site become fans without even leaving your page.
The like box builder tool makes it easy to customize the size of your like box, the number of connections to display, and even the color scheme.
..................USE STATUS TAGGING.........................
Status tagging is a cool and fairly new feature of facebook.
This feature allows you to tag any page or person by entering the @ sign and then typing the name of the page or person you want to tag.

......................CREATE A LANDING PAGE WITH STATIC FBML...................
By creating a custom landing tab for your facebook page you can increase the conversion of visitors to fans.
Check out my post on customizing your page with static fbml for a tutorial explaining exactly how to set a custom welcome tab up.
.........................LINK TO YOUR PAGE FROM YOUR PROFILE..........................

Edit your Facebook profile information to include promotion for your Fan Page.
At the bottom of the info section of your profile you can include links to any websites you are affiliated with.

The more links you can build to your Page, the more traffic you will be able to send to your Facebook Fan Page. I am constantly seeking new opportunities to build links that will send traffic to my Fan Page.

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